As it is now known, American whistleblore Mark Klein died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 79. He worked as a technician for 22 years for telephone company AT&T and its subsidiaries. In June 2006, he described in a process under the oath of how AT&T had a high -level room 641A installed in a building in San Francisco, with only the security -employees of the National Security Agency (NSA). Klein itself was to install fiber optic splinters and laying bronze lines up to 641A in the room. For the first time it was found that the NSA also narrated data from Americans and was not only taking care of “foreign terrorists” in any way, as US President GW Bush announced in December 2005 as per the first report of The New York Times.
Mark Klein worked for AT & T at various places until retired in 2004. Recently, he served as one of the six service technicians at an AT & T building in San Francisco, of which AT and T Worldnette Connection in Pacific, but also US Internet Piring Nodes such as My-West and Packs. It was only with the reading of the New York Times article that he realized what was about the “cut-in and test process”, which sometimes had to take them out. A fiber optic line was shown with a splash and led to a particularly safe room 641A, which was under the supervision of NSA.
Base for Eff-Lesklage
Turned to the clan Electronic marginal foundation (EFF) and opened your knowledge. Attorney lawyers sued the AT&T and accused the company of forwarding their customers’ internet data traffic traffic with the “Dragnet” monitoring program. This violated the US Constitution. Klein said in this process As a witness under the oath (PDF file). His statement in return called the world by a machine “Naras STA 6400” Learned. STA means meaning traffic analyst. Later, former NSA employee William Binny confirmed that AT&T gave 641A similar rooms in other American cities for NSA.
The case against AT&T was rejected in 2009 after the FISA Amendment Act since 2008. This law provided a retrospective immunity to the telecom company when they work with state secret services. Mark Klein wrote a book with NSA expert James Bamford “Get wiring the Big Brother Machine … and fighting it.” In early 2008, Klein received the EFF Pioneer Award.