He Barcelona City Council will form 3,500 people Between 2025 and 2029 web programming and data analysiswith Syllabus Exclusive digital platforms tailored to the current demands of companies, which will be free and open to all.
Municipal Economic Promotion Agency for this barcelona activa Preparing the tender for 11.6 million euros In a maximum of eight lots so that leading companies in technical training can offer this educational offer IT AcademyAs announced this Wednesday during a visit to this center by the Councilor for Economic Promotion and Work of the Barcelona City Council and the President of Barcelona Activa, Raquel Gil,
“It is important for us to prepare for a world like digital because we are seeing that this is an area where there is a very significant ‘gap’ between the number of workers and the job offers that are being generated,” said Gill, defending that people may have resources to prepare to enter this sector.
With this new initiative, Barcelona Activa will continue and expand its training offer in the fields of programming and data analysis, with the aim of ensuring a “constant flow of highly qualified talent” for development. Technology Sector and the city’s business competitiveness.
In this sense, Gill emphasized that attracting talent is, without a doubt, one of the elements that helps to be competitive, but he reminded that the generation of talent is also competitive.

Training Details
The forecast for this training is that it will be Seven weeks of duration, although Gill points out that there are people who take longer to complete it because they have to adapt it to the job, or it takes less time if they have prior knowledge.
He also explained that there are different times during the year when interested parties can access these trainings, which allows them to be “nimble” in their response and not struggle with long waiting lists.
These are public training courses Open to all and is specifically aimed at people looking to reskill or improve their employability within the sector.
Job Entry
Since 2018, the IT Academy technical training center has trained around 3,200 people in profiles such as web development (‘front-end’ and ‘back-end’) and data analysis (‘data analytics’ in English).
Job Entry Rate Access from the IT Academy 84%. According to FMWC’s ‘Digital Talent Overview 2024’, 40% of the participants are women, a figure above the technology sector average of 30.64% in the city.