Home DEVELOPER Barcelona publishes a manifesto for feminist and pacifist artificial intelligence

Barcelona publishes a manifesto for feminist and pacifist artificial intelligence


About twenty members of the scientific, academic and civil community met this Thursday Barcelona Supercomputing Center – National Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) to publish a manifesto calling for the adoption of models artificial intelligence (AI) to give them focus Feminist And Pacifist,

The manifesto, an initiative of the Observatori d’Ética en Intel·ligencia Artificial de Catalunya (OEIAC), the Community of Research on Excellence for All (CREA) and the BSC, establishes different requests which, in essence, ask to guarantee that the deployment of Hey It is not based on the commercial ambitions of big corporations, but on the need to serve society and protect its rights. “We want them to understand that we are coming together to change things,” he explains. Albert SabaterDirector of the OEIAC.

On the one hand, the document asks for Nonviolence and a reference to the need not to deploy AI for military purposes, as it happens Israel In Horoscope With the help of technology giants like Microsoft, Google And Amazon,

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At the same time, there is also a mention of guaranteeing transparency in the manifesto Language Models that shapes the applications ChatGPT to find out the possible Prejudices and, with it, prevent the possibility of it increasing Discrimination Vulnerable groups are traditionally underrepresented in the technology sector. To this end, she believes it is essential for teams developing algorithms to have an ethical prism that includes all social strata as well as feminist and anti-racist perspectives.

Likewise, the text supports regulation to guarantee the democratic governance of AI, preventing oversight of technology Crack down on a handful of companies with monopolistic approaches and give citizens greater decision-making and challenge power to prevent their data from being commercially exploited. Big Tech without their consent, a problem that has only grown bigger than it appeared Generative AI,

The manifesto, explains the sociology professor and CREA researcher Lydia Puigvertresponds to the need to create “a space for dialogue that includes the voices of all citizens” to highlight a technology “which already affects their lives.” for Ulysses CortesProfessor of AI and director of the BSC’s High-Performance AI group, expresses the societal concerns of citizens who “feel insecure (…) because politicians are not doing enough.”

Experts in engineering, computer science, sociology, philosophy, feminism, politics, ethics, law and even religion participated in an interdisciplinary debate meeting from which this manifesto was born, which aims to put pressure on public institutions and the technology industry to act in that direction and guarantee security. human rights. Sabater is clear: “We must take action.”

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