when we look back nobel prize 2024 will be remembered as the first edition starring artificial intelligence (AI). This week, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has recognized the work of development leaders with two of its prestigious awards technology is said to be revolutionary, something that advances research Computer At the pinnacle of scientific achievement.
On Wednesday he honored Nobel Prize in Physics To Geoffrey Hinton already John HopfieldManufacturer of models machine learning based on Nervous system Which has given computer systems the ability to simulate the human cognitive process and find patterns in the ocean of data. That invention, which began in the 1980s, set the standard technical foundation of aye,
He gave permission for this on Thursday Nobel Prize in Chemistry To Demis Hassabis, John M. Jumper -both senior managers google deepmind– already David Baker to illuminate alphafold2A computational tool with which they have managed to decode the structures of microscopic proteins, a genomic ‘newspaper library’ that is helping to understand the basis of rare diseases and develop new drugs.
Google’s Nobel Prize
Three of the Nobel laureates are related to GoogleThis is the case of Hassabis, who founded the research laboratory in 2010 deepmindA leading center in the study of AI that the American technology giant bought for $400 million four years later. He is currently its CEO and Jumper is also its director.
Hinton joined Google after its acquisition in 2013 start up For five million and over a decade he helped turn the company into a great reference for AI, developing technology that paved the way for current systems such as chatgptLast year he resigned, claiming that this way he could talk openly about the “terrible” dangers of AI such as it surpassing human intelligence “much more quickly than I thought”, out of control. To go and “take possession of everything”, an apocalyptic idea much discussed. In the sector.
“The Nobel Prize has promoted corporate data theft, labor exploitation, and environmental plunder by bolstering the notion that they have created “super-intelligent” things that will eliminate us or bring us back to utopia any day now”, have condemned computer scientist Timnit GebruFired as head of Google’s ethical AI team in 2020 for signing off on a report exposing biases in the company’s systems.
research in private hands

The progress of the winners is undeniable. However, its link with Google shows how big Internet companies are. silicon Valley They have used this technology’s wide range of benefits to overtake the academic world in researching it. As the cost of AI rises and states cut public investment, this gap widens and reinforces a more profit-oriented concentration of power in private hands. Wealth Compared to scientific innovation, there are risks involved.
Without further ado, when last May Google DeepMind published alphafold3 It did this without allowing researchers to access and review its AI systems. He ambiguity “This seems to be opening a new path in which large corporations are willing to subvert the system of scientific publications to suit their needs,” said Alfonso Valencia, director of Life Sciences at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, in an article in Science Media Centre. ” To make matters worse, on Wednesday it became known that the US is considering the possibility of breaking up Google’s business in response. monopoly,
Google’s renowned AI program DeepMind would not have been possible without a freely accessible repository of more than 200,000 protein structures. Still, huge I’m already trying to take advantage Albert Sabater, director of the Observatory d’Etica in Artificial Intelligence, warned that Hinton, Hassabis and Jumper are using the prize to “put pressure on the authorities” and their other intelligent models to “defend the exploitation without consent of works protected by copyright.” Are there to train. of Catalonia (OEIAC), in statements made to EL PERIODICO.
Interdisciplinary Award
Historically, Nobel Prizes were dedicated exclusively to people so-called pure science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology). Over the years, the awards have been inspired by engineer Alfred Nobel they turned their backs Mathematic or to computingSector recognized by prestigious turing awardWhich Hinton had already achieved in 2018. This version has changed things.
However, no new category has been created for the Nobel Prize. computer scienceBut they have chosen to reward AI over people who already exist. Thus, the Swedish Academy has justified awarding the Physics Prize to the so-called “Godfather of AI” for his inventions. deep learning They use the principles of statistical physics to replicate the functioning of the human brain.
“The Nobel Prize committee didn’t want to give up on this AI thing, so they’ve been very creative.”
part of the scientific community have celebrated The Nobel Prize recognizes interdisciplinary research that goes beyond pure theoretical physics, but another regret is that it may distort the awards. “I have a hard time seeing this as a discovery in physics,” lamented Jonathan Pritchard, an astrophysicist at Imperial College London. Some experts have attributed this recognition to the increasing popularity of generative artificial intelligenceA trend that has exploded since the launch of ChatGPT in late 2022. “The Nobel Prize committee did not want to give up this AI issue, so they have been very creative,” explained Wendy Hall, a computer scientist and advisor to the United Nations, United Nations on AI, to the Reuters agency.
The intersection between pure science and computer science opens the door for future Nobel Prizes to continue rewarding research projects conducted through AI, which is becoming increasingly widespread. Nevertheless, it was the Hassabis who tried to calm things down. “It’s too early to talk about AI taking part in all the awards,” he said at the press conference after his win was announced. “Human ingenuity – asking questions, developing hypotheses – comes first, and AI systems can’t do anything like that. Right now they’re just analyzing data,