The iPhone led the way, now the iPad is following suit. On Monday, Apple will radically open the iPadOS operating system in the EU with version 18: Like iOS, users will be able to download apps outside the App Store for the first time, for example from another app store or directly from a website. In addition, other manufacturers are allowed to bring a browser with their own engine to the iPad. So far, all iPadOS browsers – including Chrome and Firefox – have to be based on Apple’s WebKit.
The iPad was later declared a gatekeeper by the European Union
these changes Apple has now made a promise to developers. However, anyone who wants to use the new options to sell their apps must also agree to Apple’s new terms. Apple also retains control when it comes to sideloading and alternative app stores: the platform operator checks every app for malware, among other things, as part of its notarization system, which has been extended to iOS / iPadOS. The group also intends to continue earning money: very popular apps have to pay a so-called “core technology fee”: from 1,000,000 downloads, Apple charges 50 cents per year for each additional new installation.
iOS has been subject to new Digital Markets Act (DMA) rules in Europe since March. Among other things, the law requires large gatekeeper platforms to open up alternative app distribution channels.
iPadOS was originally not classified as a gatekeeper service by the EU Commission because the operating system was below the specified threshold of 45 million active users. After examining the market, the EU regulator came to the conclusion in late April that the iPad is also a central platform for companies to reach end customers and that the number of users is close to the threshold and will likely continue to grow. Accordingly, Apple was forced to open the tablet operating system, which was largely similar to iOS, within six months.

First app store, no browser engine yet
There are now four alternative app stores for iOS, although half of them are still in closed beta. A very popular app has recently returned to the iPhone in this way: Epic Games has been offering the game Fortnite in its Epic Games Store and AltStore PAL since August. Major browsers such as Chrome and Firefox have prepared to end the WebKit requirement, but have not yet brought their engines to the iPhone. The Greens probably believe they will have to develop on a two-way basis, after all, Apple’s browser engine is still mandatory outside the EU.