Apple batteries for iPhone: More capacity and easier replacement planned

Apple batteries for iPhone: More capacity and easier replacement planned

Apple is preparing a change to its iPhone batteries. In the future, these will have more capacity in the same space and will be easier to replace – even for amateurs using the group’s self-service repair program (SSRP).


As reported by Ming-Chi Kuo, the usually knowledgeable analyst at Taiwanese financial house TF International Securities, a new housing is planned for the battery cells, which for the first time will be made of stainless steel. Currently, batteries are encased in plastic, which can be punctured if mishandled, posing a fire risk.

Kuo believes the stainless steel shell results in increased energy density between five and ten percent possible – without posing a security risk. Plus, it makes removal easier, Kuo says. “By doing so, (Apple) achieves two goals at once.” According to Kuo, suppliers include Sunway, which specializes in stainless steel battery housings. Be there next year with significantly higher sales and profits Be expected.

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In addition to the new stainless steel housing for the battery cell, Apple is also planning a new method of holding the battery in the housing as before. IT News Service Information From Silicon Valley. Apple is currently using so-called pulltabs, which can be removed relatively easily with tweezers, but can only be reattached using special technology.

The new installation and removal method is supposed to work with electricity. A so-called electrically induced adhesive (de)bonding is for this purpose. With a lower voltage, batteries can be removed and inserted more easily. The problem, however, is that you have to open the case in an already complicated way. It appears that Apple is not planning a real replacement battery – as was once the case in most cell phones.


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