Amazon upsets developers: The secret end of AWS CodeCommit and Cloud9

Amazon upsets developers: The secret end of AWS CodeCommit and Cloud9

With a message published briefly on X (formerly Twitter), Amazon destabilized parts of its web services community. According to Amazon chief evangelist Jeff Barr, it has been decided to no longer allow new users for some of the services offered.


This affects S3 Select, CloudSearch, Cloud9, SimpleDB, Forecast, Data Pipeline, and CodeCommit services. However, according to Barr, they intend to provide assistance in migration to similar AWS or third-party solutions.

With his tweet about Platform X, Amazon’s chief evangelist made his followers restless.

The report upset parts of the developer community, as apart from Jeff Barr’s tweet, there was no official statement from Amazon. The fact that only hints were given and users had to gather information from news sites caused particular discontent.

For CodeCommit, a source code repository service managed by Amazon, Amazon provides a Guide to migrating to other Git providers which has now been supplemented with additional official information. Accordingly, CodeCommit has decided to do a full feature freeze and will only provide security and availability updates until further notice. There is also a Cloud9 Migration Pathalso expanded to include information about freeze and user stop features. Amazon is now announcing the end of its Cloud IDE, with which the company found a way to link users to an AWS account after taking over Cloud9 in 2017.

In this context, observers are also keeping an eye on SimpleDB, a non-relational database service from Amazon, which Barr also mentioned. SimpleDB is one of the oldest AWS services and it is possible that applications that are not very well maintained are still using the service without keeping track of the components.

It is also possible that there are still templates for AWS Control Tower multi-account management environments that have not yet been adapted to the new circumstances and with which users can no longer set up AWS environments. It is advisable to double-check the AWS set-up thoroughly.

It remains to be seen what will happen with the shutdown of the mentioned services. Where Amazon itself does not provide a migration path or cannot provide official information, the AWS community sometimes offers self-help aws_breaking_changes repositoryWhich includes information about other affected services.


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