Acquisition Complete: IBM divides Hashicorp in its software division

Acquisition Complete: IBM divides Hashicorp in its software division

Dr. UDO Seidel has since 1966 worked as Linux/Unix Trainer, Administrator, Senior Solutions Engineer and Chief Architect. Today he works as a customer success manager in the roof area for XM cyber.

For Hashicorp, popular safety and infrastructure management equipment such as vault and teraform, a new chapter begins in its company’s history: that under the IBM roof. About a year ago, IBM announced that it was severely dealing with the purchase of Hasicorp – a few hours later, confirmed that it was actually happened. In theory, everything was dry in April 2024. The formal processes behind an acquisition takes a few years. In the case of IBM and Hashicorp, the acquisition is now officially completed, such as Arman Dagger Underlines in a blog postThe Hashicorp Company was once founded by Mitchell Hashimoto and Hashicorp, which was established in this way, is part of several acquisitions of IBM IBM. The most popular Aptio from the recent past and of course are red.

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But what does it mean for Hasicorp ecosystem and its users? It is important to see various aspects. First of all, the question arises that how is IBM related to the entire construction of Hashicorp Company? Big Blue can often cite “red-hat-veg”, making the original company-less a large scale preserved from outside. Why should you change a successful model too? Red Hat logo still exists today, products and still red-haats events. In addition, IBM also has additional proposals in the IBM based on the knowledge, capacity and software of the Linux distributor.

On the other hand, it is also comprehensible that the IBM completely integrates the company and the Hashicorp identity is finished. In the present time it is not yet clear in which direction it is going. The “red hat-veg” appears recommended-but also there are challenges.

An important role can play the form of Terraform, an infrastructure-AS-code tool (IAC), which has established itself as a standard for automated IT infrastructure commissioning. Hasicorp is great and known. In this atmosphere, in particular, the change of license in 2023 created a lot of disturbance at the Open Source Warehouse when Hasicorp announced that the Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0) was said to be said to Terform & Company. Since then, low disclosure business source license (BSL) 1.1. Unfortunately, the discussion has not developed since the IBM acquisition, but fuel the Terraform fork Ontofu, adopted by the Linux Foundation. IBM now has to bring itself to a clear position and create courses for the final decision whether Hashikorp is “red-hat-veg” or not.

The decisive factor may be that Hashicorp has always been much higher than a terraform. Beyond the IAC tool, the company has several other important tools for IT experts in the portfolio, including the vault. The simple management of password and comparable secret has been an important topic since mid-2010, which has traveled even more with a zero-trust train. With vault, IT managers have a platform on hand, supported by multiple software manufacturers and can also be used independently of the selected cloud service provider. In the opinion of some experts, the vault makes it in the real crown jewels of Hashicorp – and there is another explanation for IBM’s interest in the company.

But still that the acquisition is formally completed, the specific strategy is not clear. While Arman Dagger speaks in his announcement that Hashikorp and IBM leaders follow a general vision, he remains unclear when applying: Hashikorp “will continue to work as the department of IBM software with the same order, but on a large platform”. Michelle Hashimoto and he carried forward the target of carrying a hashicorp software to every data center. The agenda, among other things, includes IBMS ACI-supported automation software portfolio and a close connection of vault, including red hat and also includes Ansail and Openshift from Red Hat.

It is certain that those who are responsible now can now focus on important subjects. This includes the status in the market with licenses, software sales, operating models, existing and potential new applications. It should be hoped that the IBM and Hashicorp Department can quickly provide answers to all open questions.


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