This week you’ll see various snapshots – ranging from a child’s true happiness, to majestic castles to warm weather. Looking at some of the pictures, you will not be able to stop admiring the past summer days and will wait for the next pictures.
evening on the north sea
evening on the north sea
(Image: Lula)
During a photography tour in Rubjek Knud in Denmark, Lula (aka Lutz Lang) had the opportunity to capture the beach for a long time. evening on the north sea It is almost magically represented by the movement of the surf and the colors of the sunset. Driftwood in the foreground completes the picture.
(Image: cat food)
Little Emil eventually can barely stop himself from skating on the ice and playing with it. The passion for the game and the emotions associated with it are clearly represented here by the cat food. Worried It is there, and you can even see it. Portrait images appear lifelike and realistic.
Structures and Lighting
Structures and Lighting
(Image: Rainer von der Schlei)

For this photograph, Rainer von der Schlei (aka Rainer Weber) used a glass plate that had previously been used for an art project, then treated with oil paint and stored outside under a transparent film. to be done. It had rained overnight, causing this structure to form on film. Structures and Lighting Create an abstract but atmospheric overall picture.
Westerhaversand Lighthouse 5
Westerhaversand Lighthouse 5
(Image: DiSe.Photography)
a summer photo of Lighthouse Westerhaversand 5whose impressive symmetry, the reflection in the puddle in the foreground and the adjacent salt marsh allow viewers to literally taste the sea breeze on their tongue. This photo by DiSe.fotografie looks like a warm summer evening after a rainy day.
Only 2 photographers in Schwerin
Only 2 photographers in Schwerin
(Image: NAlois)
The castle in Schwerin, which has been declared a World Cultural Heritage Site, is bringing more and more visitors to the city. So it’s almost surprising that NLois met only one other photographer while photographing this palace. Only 2 photographers in Schwerin Take a picture of the building at night after a rainy day. The black and white implementation makes it stand out particularly well against damp ground and lighting.
Fire Lily in the Dolomites
Fire Lily in the Dolomites
(Image: holysh0t)
A layered landscape photo depicts Holish0t Fire Lily in the Dolomites Used for foreground, but there’s more to it as well. Lush green meadows and rainbows clearly reflect the gray sky and mountains in the background. A warm summer day is beautifully depicted, which will likely soon be replaced by a storm.
white lipped bamboo viper
white lipped bamboo viper
(Image: Peter Beilstein)
An encounter between humans and animals without glass panes – Peter Beilstein illuminates one in terrazzo white lipped bamboo viper away. The emerald green scale provides color contrast to the rest of the image; This animal can hide itself better in the forest.
You can find an overview of all this week’s photos here:

Sony ILCE-7M2 | 34mm | ISO 100 | F/16.0 | 1.3 seconds (image: