Google Developer Program launches premium membership

Google Developer Program launches premium membership

The Google Developer Program now offers a paid premium membership. For an annual fee of $299, developers gain access to a wide range of functions. This includes one-on-one consultations with Google Cloud experts and unlimited access to Google’s e-learning platform “Cloud Skills Boost”, which includes over 700 courses and exercises related to Google Cloud.


Additionally, Premium members receive a cloud certification voucher and $500 cloud credit. If you pass the certification, Google will reward you another cloud credit of the same amount. All offers from the free membership are also available to paying subscribers. This includes AI support for coding and documentation, as well as early access to new Google products.

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In the European Economic Area (EEA), the United Kingdom, and Switzerland, Google offers premium subscriptions for business use only. Private developers have been excluded. According to Google, several million users have signed up for the free developer program since it launched in June. These obtain information to build applications with Google services.

Google is marketing the paid membership of the developer program as a new version of the discontinued “Cloud Innovators Plus” program. It offered the same types of features at the same price apart from the Cloud Skills boost. Google prices access to this e-learning platform alone at $299 per year.

Detailed information about premium membership is available here Google Developer Blog,


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