Action-packed shooter with unusual graphics: Forgive Me Father 2 is ready

Action-packed shooter with unusual graphics: Forgive Me Father 2 is ready

The first-person horror shooter “Forgive Me Father 2” is finished: after a year of early access on Steam, the Polish studio Byte Barrel has completed the sequel to the first part. The game is an old-fashioned first-person shooter: in order to get your madness under control, you end up in a mental asylum. Instead of therapy, you make your way through comic-like levels in the Doom style, borrowed heavily from the dark world of HP Lovecraft. In addition to the undead figures, people in prison uniforms, fat men in hats, and demonic figures with tentacles are also enemies seen there. As you make your way through the levels, you gain unusual skills and acquire all kinds of pistols, shotguns, precision rifles and rocket launchers – sometimes completely out of this world.


Forgive Me the Father 2 features a dark environment and demonic creatures with traps. If you don’t like the splatter effect, you can turn off the blood in settings.

The story is told in letters between different levels in the chamber of the asylum. But this is secondary, mainly you run through dark cathedrals, through the streets of a city, through a foggy port area or try to survive in the trenches of the battlefield. Dark figures are lurking everywhere, trying to take your life. Dark corners can only be illuminated by a small torch, which goes out after a short time and has to be switched on again.

The recipe for survival is familiar from games like Doom: always be on the move, collect armor and ammunition, and eliminate your opponents with the right weapon. Comic-like cel shader graphics remove the ubiquitous splatter scare. If you don’t like that either, you can turn off Blood in Settings.

We then go back to the asylum, where there is another clue to the background in our own cell. There is no multiplayer mode.

Screenshots of Forgive Me Father 2 from Asylum Cell

Screenshots of Forgive Me Father 2 from Asylum Cell

Forgive Me the Father 2 tells the background story in letters that wait in the cells at the asylum after various levels.

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“Forgive Me Father 2” is a wonderfully entertaining and diverse gaming experience. The comic graphics ensure that you don’t take the scenario too seriously. The metal soundtrack plays through the busy levels, but fortunately there are brief periods of quiet in between. Then it’s time to take a deep breath, take a closer look at the surroundings and orient yourself. This combination has given the game a very positive overall rating on Steam.

“Forgive Me Father 2” is available on Steam for Windows (about 25 euros), we played the title with Proton under Linux. This is also verified for Steam Deck.

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