every time you call 012You ask a question on the website of the Catalan Municipal Council or make an appointment in the application La Meva SalutHe was there. Even if you don’t see them. All this activity would not be possible without the work of Center for Telecommunication and Information Technology ,CTTI), an organization that is unknown to most citizens because they are required to access it public services“It is the lungs that provide air to digital infrastructure catalonia“Explains Albert TortSecretary of Telecommunications and Digital Transformation generalization,
The CTTI, which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, covers the Generalitat’s 8,000 offices, its 250,000 professionals and more than 3,000 applications. half a million Computer They work tirelessly to ensure the online services of public administration work correctly, but also hospital, the courts, schools or headquarters of Police Can serve citizens without any problem or delay.
From its headquarters in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, CTTI also manages 3 cat ,tv 3 And catalunya radio) and coordinates an emergency rescue network that allows security forces agents, firefighters, forestry agents and ambulances to provide a rapid response to any incident throughout the Catalan territory.

“Our mission is to control the computer and telecommunications services that the Generalitat of Catalonia buys on the market and to see how to get the most out of it.” technology So that citizens can access public services,” he adds javier mila vidalDuring a tour of the facilities of this organization by EL PERIODICO, Managing Director of CTTI.
“Our mission is to make maximum use of technology so that citizens can access public services”
public-private cooperation
CTTI is a public company that manages Budget Which was 800 million euros in 2023 and will be around 1,000 million euros this year. In form of digitalization Being extended to more and more social sectors, the Generalitat is increasing the amount dedicated to this entity, especially after the arrival of european fund next generation2.5% of its annual budget is dedicated to information and communication technologies (ICT), placing it as one of the leading autonomous communities in this field.

About 500 professionals work at the center, most of them engineers with “very technical” knowledge. However, CTTI is a clear example of public-private collaboration, as it works side by side with leading technology companies such as. t system, IBM, accenture, telephone, VODAFONE, cellnex one of the two IndraWho provide their services to the Generalitat. This means it provides direct employment to more than 9,000 people, its leaders point out.