Maker Faire Salzberg: A celebration of creativity and innovation

Maker Faire Salzberg: A celebration of creativity and innovation

The 5th Maker Faire in Hamburg – A Celebration of Creativity and Innovation will take place on Saturday, November 9, 2024 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. The venue is Tribühne Lehnen, Tulpenstrasse 1, admission is free Free,


Organizers write: “The Producer Fair Salzburg Offers a colorful mix of technology, craftsmanship and creativity, whether visitors are recycling old materials, 3D printing or programming robots. Multiple Participating Stations (List of Exhibitors) Invites you to learn new things and implement your own projects – from soldering and turning to building flying objects and electronic kits. The focus is on doing things yourself, discovering knowledge and passing it on.”

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they find them within a week school builder day Will take place from November 5 to 8, 2024, as a supporting event to Maker Faire. Here about 400 students can learn skills for the future through practical making. It doesn’t matter soldering, programming, hammering, 3D printing, screwing, plotting and milling, sewing, repairing, there is something for everyone at Maker Faire Hamburg.

Robot 3D Printing and Laser Cutter • Crafts and Handicrafts • Manufacturing Technologies • Drones and aircraft • DIY • AR & VR • art design • Upcycling, Recycling and Repair • Music and Sound • COSPLAY. Arduino, Calliope, Raspberry Pi & Co. • Electronics & IoT • Energy and Sustainability • Fashion and wearables • Eat • Mobility and cycling • Gaming • Making models • Science & Research…and much more.

Note: Maker Faire Salzburg is an independently organized event under license from Maker Media and is presented by the German-language Make magazine. As a licensor, Maker Media GmbH, which belongs to Heise Median, is not the organizer of Maker Faire Austria.

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