YouTube client Juno has been removed from the Vision Pro App Store

YouTube client Juno has been removed from the Vision Pro App Store

Juno, the unofficial YouTube client for Apple Vision Pro, has been removed from the App Store. Like developer Christian Selig Shared in a blog entryApple removed its app at Google’s request. The YouTube operating company complains that Selig did not follow YouTube guidelines and changed the website in a way that was not acceptable to the company.


Juno was released in February this year and closed a gap in Apple’s first app offering for the spatial computer, as YouTube had until now abandoned its own native app for the Vision Pro. Selig is an experienced app developer and was responsible for Apollo, the Reddit client for the iPhone, among other things. Their Juno app saved Vision Pro owners from having to go to the browser to watch YouTube videos.

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YouTube, which still doesn’t have a native Vision Pro app, apparently didn’t find this strange and contacted Selig a few months ago to make him aware of the violations, as he writes in his blog. However, the developer saw no copyright infringement in its approach: Juno is technically just a web view that, like a browser extension, only changes the layout details in the so-called Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) of the YouTube website. A way to make the web player look like a VisionOS app. Selig says no other logos were placed and advertising was not discontinued.

However, YouTube was not satisfied with this and removed the app from Apple. “Juno was just a fun hobby project for me. As a developer, I wanted to get experience developing for Vision Pro, and as a user, I wanted a cool way to watch YouTube videos on this cool new device.” Wanted,” he explains. Inspiration for developing Juno.

Since he has no interest in getting into another big argument like on Reddit, he asks for your understanding and lets Juno do the rest. In 2023, Selig shut down his Reddit client app Apollo after Reddit switched its API and began charging higher fees. Juno should continue to work for everyone who already has the app installed, unless YouTube makes major changes to its website. Selig actually still had plans for new features – which are now done.


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