For programmers: customize and extend the Neovim development environment

For programmers: customize and extend the Neovim development environment

Programmers spend most of their time focusing on development environments (IDEs). Many IDEs are true all-rounders, but more functions are not always better: windows are crowded on the left, right, top and bottom, loading bars for plug-ins sometimes pop out of nowhere and clicks There is trouble in doing it. It’s easy if you create your own IDE tailored to your preferences.

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  • Neovim can be installed with WSL2 on Windows
  • Beautify Neovim with color styles, UI, and NerdFont
  • Make Neovim more functional and install envim-tree, telescope and lsp

For example, it works with NeoVim, which is a further development of the text editor Vim. Neovim can be upgraded into a slim IDE to suit your needs using the Lua programming language with many plug-ins. The cursor then moves through the lines of code with their own key assignments. Furthermore, Neovim runs in a terminal emulator and is therefore really fast: Neovim starts without any noticeable delay.

This article is for beginners of programming. However, you should have a little experience navigating under Linux, because we will install Neovim in Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2). Once Neovim and Lazy Package Manager are installed, spice up the editor with crisp colors, icons, syntax highlighting, and dashboard. Then extend the functionality of Neovim by integrating file search and support for the Language Server Protocol (LSP). This means that Neovim recognizes programming languages ​​like C and Python. You’ll also take away a little knowledge of Lua with you from this craft project – and your self-built programming environment.

That was a reading sample from our Heise Plus article “For Programmers: Adopting and Extending the Neovim Development Environment.” With a Heise Plus subscription you can read and listen to the full article.

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