The Art of Landscape Photography: Photos of Week 37

The Art of Landscape Photography: Photos of Week 37

When a photographer lights landscapes correctly, the low sun often creates beautiful contrasts that bring a composition to life. Then there is no need for an obvious eye-catcher. Our gallery photographers impressively show how lighting is an important element that makes you feel lost in the vastness of the image or creates drama.


Midsummer, at night

(Image: Blueout)

“The photo was taken in the middle of summer in central Norway. There is an endless twilight at night. The light and atmosphere were absolutely spectacular,” says Michael Leisman (Blueout) about his photo of the night in the middle of summer.

The hilly landscape with lakes in the middle is complete by the sunset. A beautiful scene is created that invites you to stop for a while. The horizon recedes into the unreachable distance and it feels as if you are completely isolated in the vastness of this landscape.

Bremen skyline

(Image: Otto Hitzgrad)

Otto Hitzgrad was riding his bike on Lake Werdersee in Bremen when he took this photo of the Bremen skyline. “I like to get out on my bike early in the morning looking for subjects, especially when fog is suspected. I was lucky, light clouds of fog appeared over Lake Bremen and the buildings were particularly striking in the early light,” he says.

Fog and vegetation combine to block the direct view of the city, isolating the photographer from the urban bustle that takes place there in the morning. A good metaphor for the fact that you can escape the fast-paced city for once.

fog, forest, sun

(Image: Dermeus)

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The sun’s rays break through the leaves and throw small spots of light onto the forest floor. The perspective chosen by gallery photographer Dermeus ensures that the gold is not directly visible, but rather creates a glow around the tree trunk. The black and white implementation helps to highlight the contrasts between the bright rays and the rest of the environment. This creates a mood that makes the photo timeless. It could have been made yesterday or 30 years ago.

Mountain heat

(Image: Uschi Hermann)

“I took this photo on an evening walk to the Hoferspitze. At sunset, the light and atmosphere in the mountains are absolutely magical. It is always a special experience, even if the descent often has to be done in the dark,” Uschi reports. He told Hermann how his photo Bergsommer was created.

The setting sun bathes the mountain ranges in a warm evening light, nothing can be more relaxing. The path up the peaks leads the viewer’s eye through the white flowers and into the vastness of the landscape. Idyll probably best describes the overall picture.

Loken Rocks

(Image: Lula)

Lutz Lang (Lula) took the photograph of the Lokken cliff on the beach of the town of the same name in Denmark and says: “It was cloudy during the day and in the evening the clouds cleared away for a while and the light of the setting sun faded through”. The long exposure should “convey the dynamics of the water as well as the calm mood”.

He succeeds. The tree trunk in the foreground catches the viewer’s attention and the vastness of the ocean holds their gaze for a short time before it takes over. The sunset also exerts its influence and creates a wonderful contrast with the water, bringing the scene to life.

North Sea Sunset 6

(Image: DiSe.Photography)

Dirk Selig’s (DiSe.fotografie) photo was taken during a photo walk to the Westerhever Lighthouse. He wrote to us: “If you look closely, you can see the lighthouse in the middle of the horizon. The challenge was to find an exciting foreground for the photo. The tuft of cotton grass convinced me the most.”

The light sun, stars and scattered clouds together create a counterpoint to the tranquil grassland landscape. Both complement each other and ensure a balanced composition. The lighthouse is a detail that is difficult to see but stimulates the viewer’s imagination.

Clouds and pack ice

(Image: Pham Nuvem)

“The atmosphere in the pack ice was absolutely extraordinary, especially when the clouds were gathering. While viewing and compiling the photographs I came up with the gimmick of developing the image in black and white. It reinforced the mood of the moment,” says Stefan Weber (Pham) of its inclusion of clouds and pack ice.

Above all, the clouds mentioned above add drama to the scene, and their soft shapes also create dynamism that draws the viewer into the picture.

You can find an overview of all this week’s photos here:

Saturday: Midsummer, at night
(Picture: Blueout,


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