Software Architecture Gathering in Berlin: Get Cheap Tickets Now

Software Architecture Gathering in Berlin: Get Cheap Tickets Now

happens this year iSAQB Software Architecture Gathering 2024 On site again. The organisers, the International Software Architecture Qualifications Board (ISAQB) and the professional IT magazine iX, have chosen Berlin as the venue for the international conference on November 12th and 13th.

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There will be additional workshops before and after the conference days on November 11 and 14. A major theme this year is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in software development. There will also be an interactive panel on this topic.

conference program It contains 40 English-language lectures and four keynotes

  • Generative AI meets software architecture
  • Secure architecture for AI-based software
  • Can we measure developer productivity?
  • Modern Architecture Functions: From Defining to Enabling
  • Make your security policy auditable
  • Domain-driven change – how to improve the structure of legacy systems

There are eight workshops to complete the program, including “From Zero to Production: Build Your Own GenAI Solution,” “Architecture Kickstart — From Zero to Productive in (Almost) No Time,” and “Evaluating Software Architecture for Security.”

By 5 September Are there tickets? Particularly affordable Very Early Bird price for two days of lectures at 799 euros (all prices plus 19% VAT). Until then, the workshops cost 499 euros. Additional discounts are available for both teams and iSAQB certified professionals for software architecture (CPSA).


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