With the updates to iOS 18 and iPadOS 18, users can expect productivity improvements when relying on Apple’s standard Calendar and Reminders apps. Apple is bringing the two applications together for the first time. As before, they can be operated individually; the new thing is that information from Reminders appears directly in Calendar, provided data has been set for it. This makes it easier to get an overview of tasks and check them off immediately, if necessary.
Specificity of tasks
Only the iPhone maker knows why Apple is now coming up with the idea of ​​combining the two. The experiences gained in the beta phase of iOS 18 are positive: Similar to the specialized apps we know from competing – and much more powerful – Fantastical, it now runs in the Calendar application. In the month display, reminders are already clearly shown as colored blocks. You can then select the day and see the task.
Apple’s announcement that it will make Calendar “even more useful” by showing both events and tasks from Reminders is true. In addition, users can also create, edit, and complete reminders directly in Calendar. The Reminders app is only used when you want it (or don’t want to see your calendar). Thus Calendar becomes a kind of multiplication table for tasks.

What you need to pay attention to
For Reminders tasks to appear in Calendar, one of two things must happen. Either they are created directly in Calendar and then immediately receive a timestamp. Or you must have assigned a task directly in the Reminders app. Many users are already doing this as tasks are usually associated with a deadline or at least an appointment.
The simplicity of the Calendar app remains largely the same, even if Tasks makes it a little more colorful. Of course, none of this is rocket science and other systems like Outlook or Google Calendar have known Tasks for a long time. And yet: the fact that Apple is now integrating this into its standard apps is progress. At least as big as the fact that it is There’s now a calculator on the iPad gives.