Federal Interior Minister Nancy Fesser (SPD) has banned Compact-Magazin GmbH. The printed magazine with around 40,000 issues, as well as online publications, are no longer allowed to appear, and the Interior Ministry is also restricting the magazine’s activities on social networks. The compact-online.de website has been inaccessible since Tuesday morning. The situation is different with the YouTube channel “CompactTV”, and the magazine’s X account is also still online.

Fesser described the magazine as “the central mouthpiece of the right-wing extremist scene”. The magazine incites unspeakable incitement against Jews, against people with a migration background and against our parliamentary democracy. Under certain conditions, companies can also be restricted through an association ban, the interior ministry said. Compact Magazin GmbH and the sub-organisation Konspekt Film GmbH were directed against the constitutional order within the meaning of Article 9 of the Basic Law and Paragraph 3 of the Association Act,
All user accounts restricted
On the basis of this law and Published in the Federal Gazette BMI has asked hosts and platform operators to take websites offline and block accounts. “All user accounts of the club on all social networks are banned,” a BMI spokesperson told Heise online. Whether the ban issued by BMI is enforced will be monitored in-house. Operators will be reminded and penalized if necessary.
With the websites compact-online.de and conspect-film.com as well as an account on Telegram, Elsaesser is also the founder of the Compact magazine.
This Tuesday morning, police searched the organisation’s properties in Brandenburg, Hesse, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, including the apartments of key players, management and major shareholders. Assets and other evidence must be secured and confiscated. Violating the ban is a criminal offence, and this also applies to substitute organisations. The organisation’s symbols cannot be used; this also applies to the “Blue Wave”, a campaign run by the magazine to support the AfD.