Time Machine’s alternative Carbon Copy Cloner 7 makes operations easier

Time Machine’s alternative Carbon Copy Cloner 7 makes operations easier

Apple’s default backup tool on Mac has been around since 2007 Time Machine. The function allows you to create backups automatically in the background. However, the on-board tool has some limitations, which is why professionals prefer to make a full backup of their Apple computer at the same time. The most popular tools in this area include Super Duper! from Shirt Pocket and Carbon Copy Cloner from Bombich Software. The latter is now in a Enhanced version 7 appeared.


It has a whole range of usability innovations. There are now several new assistants that help set up backups. This includes a wizard for preparing the backup medium, more detailed setup of snapshots including the ability to search them, and an easy way to create encrypted backups. Cloud storage media is supported, you can add notes to backups, and it’s now easy to back up files and media from an iOS device to a Mac. (There’s a separate guide for this Companion App To make data available in the local network.)

Bombich Software has also refined the automatic backups. This way you can set when and under what conditions they should start. The new “product tour” gives new users an overview of the functions in CCC. A simulator for the snapshot policy has also been integrated, which allows you to check what will be automatically deleted. A comparison between the possibilities of CCC and Time Machine can be found Here,

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It should be noted that you can still use CCC to create Bootable Backup Key can be used, but these are not always reliable, especially with Apple silicon machines, as the build has to rely on Apple’s proprietary replication tool asr. For example, if you use macOS 14 aka Ventura the external medium must definitely be connected to the computer via Thunderbolt. In addition, the boot process fails if the internal SSD is no longer accessible. Bombich Software therefore recommends creating a backup without the operating system – which is also the standard method. macOS can then be reinstalled on the internal SSD and the backup restored using Migration Assistant as part of the setup.

Carbon Copy Cloner 7 costs 57.18 euros as a full version. Upgrade discounts for users of older versions are 25 percent for CCC 5 and 50 percent for CCC 6. Older versions must be updated at full price. Anyone who purchases CCC 6 from January 1, 2024 can update to CCC 7 free of charge.


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