BetterCode() .NET 9.0: Online Conference on November 19th

BetterCode() .NET 9.0: Online Conference on November 19th

Microsoft plans to release the new release .NET 9.0 in November 2024. Online conference BetterCode() .NET 9.0 On November 19, developers will be prepared for the switch. The organizers of the Heise conference are iX and dpunkt.verlag in cooperation with On the day of the conference, five .NET experts will present innovations regarding, among other things, the .NET SDK, ASP.NET Core, Blazor, Entity Framework Core, WPF, WinUI, .NET MAUI and the C# 13.0 programming language.


There will also be six full-day online workshops during the conference, allowing participants to dive deeper into selected key topics, including C# 13.0, cross-platform development with .NET MAUI, and integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into .NET applications.

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Experts will discuss .NET innovations in a 45-minute lecture. Inaugural Lecture Holds Dr. Holger Schwittenberg: What has changed in the SDK, runtime and base classes and what important changes should developers be aware of? For example, Christian Wenz’s lecture talks about the latest news for web development ASP.NET Core 9.0 and Blazor 9.0,

After the presentations, there will be 15 minutes for an interactive question and answer session, and at the end of the conference day experts will participate in a 30-minute discussion moderated by Dr. Holger Schwittenberg to answer questions together.

excerpt from Program,

Full-day online workshops In November and December:

  • C# 13.0 (Nov 21)
  • AI with ChatGPT, Azure OpenAI and Copilot (Nov 27)
  • Develop a cross-platform app in a day with .NET MAUI 9.0 (December 2)
  • Modern Data Access with Entity Framework Core 9.0 (December 4)
  • Practical Workshop: Web API with ASP.NET Core (December 5)
  • Develop single-page web apps and hybrid cross-platform apps with Blazor 9.0 (December 6)

Those interested can currently benefit from introductory discounts: a conference ticket Available until October 22, 2024 for 229 euros (all prices plus 19% VAT), thereafter for 279 euros. Teams of three or more receive a minimum ten percent discount. A full-day workshop can be booked for 549 euros.

Current information about the conference can be found on the conference website. You can optionally subscribe to a newsletter there. Participants also have the opportunity Join the event on LinkedIn,


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