Home theater fans may be interested in a new function that beta testers have discovered in macOS 15 aka Sequoia: in the future, it will be possible to stream Dolby Atmos sounds unedited to external devices via HDMI passthrough. Feature Already installed for various system apps Allowed. It’s still unclear if other devices like the Apple TV will be covered soon.
Settings are still per app
Using HDMI passthrough, it is possible to send sounds from movies, videos and related audio presentations directly to a home theater soundbar or compatible receiver connected to the Mac via HDMI. This is probably the majority of current devices. Apple is likely to publish a list of these later, but no support document has been found yet.
Currently supported apps include the Apple Music and TV apps, as well as QuickTime Player. There is no switch in system settings (again, instead, the setting is done per app); it is unclear if there will be an API for third-party developers as well. In addition to Dolby Atmos, Apple also supports other Dolby audio formats via HDMI passthrough. With a receiver or soundbar you can enjoy the sound the way filmmakers intended, while the video is sent to a television or projector.

Is tvOS 18 coming next?
It is expected that Apple will also implement this feature in tvOS 18 for Apple TV devices. However, the feature is not yet available in the current beta version. It can be speculated that this will happen as part of the first public beta, which is expected later this month. macOS 15 aka Sequoia will also be available to all interested testers soon. Both updates will reach the public in the autumn.
Over the past few weeks, more and more useful functions have emerged in macOS 15 and Co. that Apple had not explicitly announced. This includes a new keyboard shortcut to call up the context menu, which does not exist until today despite the long macOS development time.