The DNA of organized crime is fundamentally changing. The European Union Police Authority on Tuesday warned against organized crime. The crime is no longer tied to traditional structures during the time of mafia and Camora. Instead, it is adapted to a world that is characterized by global instability, digitization and new techniques “. Crime finds a profitable reproductive ground on the Internet:” Digital infrastructure further enhances criminal operations and enables expansion and adaptation of illegal activities at an unprecedented speed. “
Almost all types of serious and organized crime now have a digital footprint, it should be as a tool, target or intermediary 2025 location in assessmentFrom cyber fraud to ransomware drug trafficking and money laundering, the Internet has developed “in the main area of ​​organized crime”. The network rapidly took advantage of digital infrastructure from law enforcement officers to hide its machines. At the same time, the data “will become the new currency of power – theft, theft by criminal actors, acting and exploitation”.
AI-supported Social Engineering and Big Crime Data
In particular, AI expanded the scope of large -scale organized crime, emphasizing Europeol. Criminal offenses usually misused new techniques and used them as a catalyst and amplifier. Technology helps criminals to automate and expand operations. As the fastest growing hazards, the office of cyber attacks, for example, is based on ransomware or DDOS, which is aimed at important infrastructure, governments, companies and individuals. Online fraud efforts will be forced by AI-based social engineering and large amounts of data access. There is also no approval in sexual abuse of children on the net, in which it is easy to produce abuse materials and online grooming with generative AI.

Europeol alarm says, “Violence in relation to organized crime increases in many member states and overall society.” This phenomenon is “promoted by encrypted communication devices and online platforms that facilitates unlimited recruitment, forced recovery and coordination”.
European boss Catherine de Bole called for “regulated encryption” in 2021. In this sense, tech companies should develop “appropriate, technically viable solutions” and distribute the plain text as much as possible. According to the report, the digital reinforcement strategy is currently allowing expanding criminal networks, maximizing profit and strengthening their resistance. To break through this cycle, law enforcement officers must aim the most important criminal markets and “underlying mechanisms”.