Is one of Barcelona Mobile world capitals As an integrated headquarters of the Mobile World Congress, which is currently closed with maximum flow. But this is also due to the popularity of this device, which Citizenship day is pierced And everyday habits and consumption patterns have changed. Just travel from the subway and tell how many passengers travel full on the screen, hardly locking.
Although this is the success of the world, Official figures on mobile telephony They offer an interesting Depiction of its implementation and development between BarcelonaNational Competition Commission (CNMC) Publishes Spain telecommunication year book After the final update in October 2024, it is covered until 2023. He monitors thirty indicators, ranging ranging from data distributed by operators, up to 5G antennas installed.
This is still not very complete radiography due to lack of statistical tradition. There is no breakdown by municipalities only by provinces. But it is still very easy to feel reflected in the data, which matches perception at the street level. The demarcation of Barcelona stands in the community of Madrid along with most categories.
More mobile than people
Perhaps the metric that reflects the current omnipresent of mobile is the ratio of mobile lines per 100 inhabitants. The province has more mobile numbers than registered since 2018. Especially today Each barslons contain 1.22 average mobile numbersotherwise stated, One of the five neighbors uses two numbers,
Statistics, of course, is a generalization that adds Mobile hired by individuals and companiesBut it also shows a trend on a top, which is of workers using U.N number for personal life and second for professionalSome companies have a duality for free second -line offers, searching better reconciliation and ease of using more than one SIM card in most models.
Half landline per beard
Mobile is a contradiction with telephony’s penetration Fixed network. Closed with Province 2023 6.9 million mobile lines (Not counting prepaid, no data) And 2.7 million traditional lines. less than half. Conversely also occurs in per capita ratio: 0.5 lines, ie, One for every two citizens,
However, the truth is that Fixed network develops with other argumentsIt is used a lot, but As the total number of high lines falls: Rarely he was scattered with him at the corporate headquarters and many families have a telephone and internet package which includes a certain one. Although no terminal is attached, the pack in the wall usually does not miss. Between 2007 and 2023, only 100,000 fixed phones have been lost in Barcelona province, while mobile lines have doubled 3.4 million high.

Although, Traditional telephone has been very re -accuseded inside homesThus, the last barometer of Barcelona City Council was held a year ago and presented in September. 53% of families and 51% of residents replied that they no longer had any fixed at home. According to the same survey, 2004 was 90%. The use of this device survived for a decade and a half in more than 80% of homes and since 2019 falls to lead to lead. Between 2022 and 2023 when he dropped 14 points.
Regional disparity
CNMC data for Provinces of Targana, Lelida and Girona They are less. None of the three per capita is more than the threshold of more than one mobile number: Targana lives on an average 0.97, Girona follows it with 0.94 and Lleida register 0.92. The second face of the currency is a fixed network, which are low lines in the rest of Catelonia.
Girona leads this ranking with a neighbor 0.38, followed by 0.37 of Targana. The ratio in Lleida is only 0.33, namely, for every three inhabitants only one average of one line. In the absolute number, about 800,000 mobile lines in Targana and about 300,000 are fixed. In Girona, 731,000 mobiles and 295,000 fixed. And in Lleida, 400,000 mobiles and 144,000 fixed.
Madrid goes to the head
Reflects historical data In all indicators of the report, Madrid’s continuous lead, with Barcelona in second placeFor example, Barcelona in 2023 had 1.4 mobile numbers per person in Madrid compared to 1.22. The difference, even if it only has a statistical value, believes that the Spanish capital will have 18 more mobiles for every 100 neighbors. According to the year, there is ups and downs in the distance but the posts are maintained. About twenty province north of the peninsula is higher than the range of greater than one more than one.
As a resident, Madrid retains more lines (0.5) than Barcelona (0.48). Due to the abundance of companies and institutions, this network has been historically more settlement in this community. It currently has 3.4 million traditional lines, which is about 700,000 more than operating in Barcelona province.
Payment TV makes way
This census of telecommunication is another curious indicator payment television, which acquires land throughout geography. CNMC data only brings customers together Digital channel package introduced by operatorsThat is, it does not include independent platforms such as Netflix, Max or Filmin, in which every person can register on their own.
In this partial picture, still, there are 900,000 users of visual -visual payment services in Barcelona province, which means that one of the six neighbors (0.16) is registered in such a service. The ratio in Girona (0.14), Tarragona (0.13) and Lleida (0.11) is slightly lower.
The ratio in Madrid is slightly above (0.17), but who is the head of this ranking in 2023, there are three demarcies of the Basque Desh, La Koruna, Esturias and Canary Islands. In correspondence with mobile phones and with the distribution of income, the upper half of the peninsula usually has more implementation in the TV.
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