Dutch start-up whispp voice uses AI to support people with disability. Their application quietly converts voices into a better understandable language and its purpose is to maintain emotion and intimacy. At MWC in Barcelona, ​​whispp present a new function that also provides AI support in individual conversations.
For this purpose, no one speaks directly into the cell phone as the soldier translator is accompanied by apps. Other headphones or speakers attached to the cell phone need to listen to the assembled voice. In the future you can develop a special loudspeaker, with the lowest possible delay for the whippip app, CEO Zoris Castermans said in an interview with Hees online on MWC. At the moment you still have to rely on traditional playback devices.
Castermans says, the lowest possible delay is particularly important for personal interaction. This is why you want to switch to the local AI processing of language input with new function from summer. Till now it has happened in the cloud. On the MWC, a demo had a 220 millisecond processing slat with a wired loudspeaker. It is slightly higher than you than you than the phone call through Bluetooth headphones, this is sufficient for natural entertainment.
Audio directly for audio
The fact is that it is so fast that the functionality of the whisap is. Unlike other applications, AI directly converts audio into audio. Hence the program converts the language into the first text, then re -rescue the language and then the language again.

If you want, you can continue training with your voice. It is useful for those who have lost their voice as a result of a disease as a result of a disease, but still recording voice in their old voice. If you take care of this in whispp, the app creates a “language clone” – voice output should then be particularly authentic sound.
According to the Dutch developer, the whippi is fundamentally useful as a language, unless the user speaks of strong bids and is well expressed. The purpose of the app is primarily targeted for people with voice disability and those who are stuttering – because it is often easy for them to speak fluent.
Also for business customers
The Whispp app is already available for Android and iOS, a desktop version for Windows devices. According to Castermans, Whispp is currently downloaded 10,000 times. Accordingly, the app uses 1,500 people every month.
To expand the audience, Whiseppi now wants to win commercial customers. The company’s AI technology can also enable confidential trade discussion in a quiet tone in public places. In addition, employees in service centers with whippi can also make phone calls if they are hoarse after illness.
The mobile app can be downloaded and try for free. Voice messages are free, if you want to call, you have to pay 20 euros per month. For interacting together, some euros can come back again in a month, CEO Castron says. In the long run, however, the goal is to license technology to other manufacturers.