Broadcast: In 2024, more than 1.2 million radio was sold in Germany with DAB+

Broadcast: In 2024, more than 1.2 million radio was sold in Germany with DAB+

In 2024, more than 1.2 million radio equipment with DAB+ in Germany moved to physical and virtual shop counters. It all matches 50 percent of separate radio receiver and a clear plus compared to 2020, when the ratio was still 35 percent. The Electrical Engineering Association Zvei gave these figures on 13 February, referring to the trading panel of Market Research Institute GFK as part of the World Day of Radio. DAB+ is especially in demand in Tischradios: 56 percent of all the devices sold in this category are therefore supported by digital FM successors. The dealers were able to leave 700,000 such “table top radio” with digital audio broadcast last year.


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Despite the rising streaming offer, the classic radio listeners are popular in this country. Nine out of ten users enjoy radio reception. About two -thirds of listeners rely on streaming or web radio, as can be seen from a consumer survey by GFK from Zvei. Organization Ends with numbers: “Even in the digital age, the medium remains unavoidable.” Dab+ ensures that there is an independent and discriminatory access to relevant messages even in future generations. According to the European Radio Union (EBU), terrestrial radio in 28 out of 31 European countries is considered the “most reliable medium”.

In addition to receiving the radio program, DAB+ will soon get another important task, emphasizing Zvei: In the future, the same digital recipients can “give a significant contribution to population security”. with “Automated Security Warning” (ASA) If the population indicates in crisis conditions – even if mobile radio or internet failures. The system automatically sends digital warning messages through DAB+ and thus represents “reliable, regional and uninterrupted alarms” beyond disaster warning technology cell broadcasting.

According to the association, the ASA moves in the background in theory, regularly adjustable and the “high border” of the transmitted network with DAB+ was used for “maximum security”. This is an advantage, for example, for radio holidays, “which can be activated from standby”. With the implementation of ASA, public law and private radio stations, the device industry and safety authority such as Federal Office for Population Protection and Destaste Aid (BBK) set a target of providing a new important component in the warning mix for the crisis for the crisis. Is. Case with DAB+. In addition to general announcements, text and image information should be provided. The first equipment with this additional function should be available in the shops from the middle of the year.

According to the audio trend 2024, 49 million people in Germany use digital radio programs. This is three -fourth of all radiors. Accordingly, more than 65 million German citizens use linear radio – either on the classic radio device or online. Three of them also use digital programs only through web radio or through DAB+.


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