In the case of advertisements, on which mosques are required to be burnt with custody of immigrants and murder and inhuman manifestations and on which migrants are made equal with animals and pathogens, Mata and X do not recognize a problem in the beginning Are. It showed a rehearsal on the example that the International Consumer Organization EK O had done the Bundestag shortly before the election. The association which wants to incorporate the power of the corporations, submitted ten banners in the Meta and X last week, including such clear examples of extremist abusive language and influence on violence. Although operators of social media platforms should actually block advertisements, they go through most.

In Germany, the material is likely to be clearly classified as illegal. They were rich in paintings that were created with the help of a system with artificial intelligence (AI) and showed violent scenes. The burning synagogue or internal shots of a gas chamber can be seen. According to the researchers, Meta approved half of the advertising banner presented within 12 hours, As mentioned by magazine EuraactivX I released all submitted advertisements for publication. EKO examiners removed the banner template before going online so that they were not seen by users of platforms.
The advertisement should be geographically limited to Germany and visible in German. Platforms run by Mata, like X, belong to the Sainters of the European Union behavioral code to combat illegal abusive language on the Internet. European Union Commission Revised it with people associated with economy Last month and integrated it to the Digital Services Act (DSA). Self -accumulation requires signators to potentially illegal hatred speech and movement to deal with the movement and to block access to relevant materials. The extended agreement is actually not only reactive and is based on removing such material. Instead, service providers should also persuade the code to prevent and estimate the dangers.
Commission has published “election toolkit”
According to the report, experts from EKO have already presented the results of their investigation to the Commission. It already feels meta and ex on the tooth whether they follow DSA specifications. According to the regulation, operators of very large platforms should assess the risk and reduce disintegrated threats, for example for democracy, public safety, fundamental rights and protection of minors.
The commission has “Election equipment“Published to facilitate the implementation of Election Guidelines from DSA. The instrument case is aimed at the so -called digital services of national regulatory officers such as Federal Network Agency. It should be found during the election.