Photoshop: Adobe version 1 35 years ago

Photoshop: Adobe version 1 35 years ago

Photoshop from Adobe has been in the market for 35 years. The image editing program was published in 1990, only for Mac, even two years later for Windows. The then developer was called Thomas Know, he developed it together with his brother John. His program, originally known as “Image Pro”, finally became a photoshop, which still dominates the image editing market.


The Adobe Company was founded in 1982 by John Warnock and Charles Geshke. We reported milestones in the program for the 30th anniversary.

First photoshop box

On February 19, 1990, Photoshop appeared as a box in 1.0 shops. No, dear children, there was no download version. Nevertheless, the price of the package is an impressive $ 895.

Photographers mostly use Photoshops and customize photos. For example, they customize colors, forming image piles for deep sharpness areas or a good night sky. Montaz is also possible and popular.

Photoshop also plays a role in digital arts and illustrations. Artists use diverse brushes and painting tools to make digital paintings and paintings. Parts of software and branded campaigns have been created in the advertising industry.

The application of the program also has many other areas, for example in the architectural view. Architects and civil engineers improved 3D rendering and sketches of buildings at Photoshop before introducing them.

In 2003, Adobe briefly presented his programs including Photoshop for a creative suit. It also includes Raw Development and Library Tool for Photo Literoom, as well as Illustrator and Indesign for Graphic Artists or Video Editor. In 2011, the company introduced the Creative Cloud and established a membership model, which was controversial for many users, which is now taken on other manufacturers.

Meanwhile, AI image is becoming increasingly important in processing. In Photoshop, more and more functions and filters have been integrated in recent years that automatically make masks and adapt the photos wisely. Along with Adobe Jugnu, it was also possible to generate direct image materials in the program in 2024. In this way, recording can be partially complemented, revenge or extended.

At the present speed in which especially intelligent equipment develops, it will be excited to see what the software will introduce in the next few years.


#Heies Show: Wahl-O-Mat, Ki-Aexa, AI-Pin-Aus | Heise online#Heies Show: Wahl-O-Mat, Ki-Aexa, AI-Pin-Aus | Heise online


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