Anna Kalinowski, His-Online Editor-in-Chief Dr. Volcar Zota (@Doczet) And painted curtainer (@Maltekir) In this issue of #heiseshow, talk about the following topics:

- New guidelines by AI Act: AI is a driving license? The AI ​​Act determines that companies have to ensure the capacity of their employees in dealing with the AI ​​system. What are the requirements for companies? And what can AI driving license be specific? What role do certificates play for the use of AI?
- Bidigitized: Digital Change as per study – According to a study, digital change in Germany is slowly moving forward. Why does the initial digitization declaration disappear? What does it mean for Germany for a commercial location? How can the change be accelerated again?
Also again: A NERD birthday, WTF of the Week and Tricky Quiz Questions.
Every Thursday lives from 5 pm.
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#Heiseshow is streamful live on Heise every Thursday at 5 pm every Thursday. After live broadcast, the shipment is available to check and hear youtube and as podcast.
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