For network devices that have a radio interface such as Bluetooth or WLAN, strict requirements for IT security and data security will soon be applicable in the European Economic Zone (EEA). Since August 1, 2025, a CE license plate should clarify that affected smartphones, wareballs and other radio systems also meet basic requirements for the security of network, privacy and fraud. Otherwise, sales in EEA are unattainable.
The requirements result in a subordinate act for the direction of the controversial European Union through the radio system (radio equipment instructions, red) from a subordinate act. Indeed, the 2022 delegated ordinance, with which the European Union Commission has announced a wireless data breakdown for network equipment, should apply from August 1, 2024. In July last year, however, the European Union Commission decided an additional regulation that provides an appointment on August 1, 2025 as an appointment. Causes: Responsible standardization institute Cen and CENELEC required more time.
The standardization process is now completed so that Hermonized Standards N 18031-1/-2/-3 Can be released in the European Union at the end of last week. Therefore it is clear that the latter start date can be placed and the implementation period runs. Standard binds specify the rules and define the test criteria, which must simplify evidence of conformity. This should make it easier for small companies to follow the requirements.

Obstruction of estimates of conformity
In terms of materials, standard confidential communication as well as treating the presence of an updated mechanism. However, they only meet the estimates of conformity with restrictions. The restrictions especially worry about the mandatory settings of user passwords and guardian control by parents or legal parents for toys. There are also devices that enable financial transactions.
The Federal Office for Information Technology (BSI) was also involved in the development of standards. BSI emphasizesResponsible thinking about criteria can test your products based on transparent requirements and test criteria. According to “Radio Equipment Instructions” (RED), the authority responsible for market monitoring – Federal Network Agency in Germany – then check for compliance with only requirements. Without standards, proof of conformity will be possible only by a notified test center.
According to the decisions of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), the harmonious criteria are more or less under the legal force. This increases expectations of such specifications. According to the regulation obtained from the red, the radio system should be constructed in some categories or classes in such a way that they “have neither harmful effects on the network or” in its operation “” inappropriate use of network resources and thus ” Inconsistent loss services.
The European Union Commission is planning another step
With the Cyber ​​Resilience Act (CRA), which came into force at the end of 2024, tightened the requirements for device manufacturers. Since December 2027, products such as software in the European Union can only come on the market if they follow the minimum requirements for IT safety if they follow the minimum requirements. They are usually supplied with security updates for at least five years. Manufacturers are responsible for taking responsibility for their IT security on the entire life cycle of their products and applications (protection by design).
A new commission plan goes a step further. E-commerce platforms such as Temu, Shin, Amazon Marketplace or Alibaba should be responsible for online sale of dangerous or illegal products, Write financial timeThe purpose of a customs improvement is that the operators of the digital marketplace will be obliged to provide comprehensive data before the goods come in the European Union. Responsible civil servants should coordinate by a European Customs Authority (EUCA) – can better control and investigate.
The college is to be removed for delivery under 150 euros. The Commission especially wants to act against the flood of packages from China, which contains uncertain products or fake. Partially similar measures include an e-commerce action plan from the federal government.