JavaScript webframework Astro achieved the first minor release of the year with version 5.2. It brings a connection for two experimental features in terms of tailwind CSS 4.0, a new handling and configuration settings of the follower and react streaming.
Automatic round
As the Astro team states, the use of the follower Slash-IE is a Slash strips at the end of a URL-Is controversial in web development. However, it was agreed that their commitment should be consumed for the search engine adaptation and not negative effects on user experience.
Astro first allowed the configure whether the routes should be used with or without a slash and the “not found” page with the selected option should be given back or the hosts have been given to handle the conflict. The new Astro version is related to 5.2 different ways, as it automatically takes the redirect on the right path, as it is inside trailingSlash
-Mation is defined in astro.config.mjs.
This option can be set as follows:
export default defineConfig({
adapter: node({ mode: 'standalone' }),
trailingSlash: 'never', // or 'always'
In practice, it is no longer a user whether the user /about/
, /about
or even /about///
Call because all variants lead to the right website.

Simplified tailwind-cSs support
In the recently published edition Telwind CSS 4.0 Open Source CSS Framework brought the new Vite plug-in @tailwindcus/Vite. Astro 5.2 has native support for this plug-in and thus simplifies the connection of the tailwind CSS. With command astro add tailwind
Can be used in Astro and creates a default CSS file that imports tailwind styles.
Hence the previous version applies @astrojs/tailwind
-Itration, now as old (Padavanta). To update the tailwind CSS 4.0, developers must uninstall this integration and either use the above command or use or use Do a manual installation,
Experimental features for configuration and reaction streaming
In addition to further updates and bug fixes, Astro 5.2 has two experimental features. It contains the new virtual module astro: Configure. With this, the most important configuration settings from any place in the project should be observed. In the future, Astro: Configure will become standard.
Second experimental feature is likely @astrojs/react
To neutralize reaction streaming. It should be helpful when using libraries that are not compatible with streaming, for example several CSS-in-JSS-libraries.
Astro is a web framework especially due to its front stand architecture pattern, Icelandic architectureSpecific. It presents most sides of a stable HTML, while small “islands” serve for JavaScript interaction and privatization.
More information about new release Can be found in Astro blog,
(Image: WD Ashari/
ENTERJS 2025 Manhem takes on May 7 and 8 on 8th May. The conference provides a comprehensive approach to the JavaScript-based enterprise world. Meditation is not only on programming languages ​​on JavaScript and Typscript, but also on framework and tools, accessibility, practical reports, UI/UX and security.
Highlight From the program,
- Island architecture with astro
- Safety Missing Navigate: A Interactive Adventure
- Reacts: Single-page or full stack application
- Visual test with playwright
stamp At the cost of the initial bird Prepared in online shop.