The Stopperstin Deychaland app recorded further increase in the number of stones available in the app last year. There are now more than 36,000 stones in 93 cities in the database. This report has been reported by the Cologne agency D-CIR, which is responsible for the app on 27 January on the occasion of International Holocaust memory day.
National project
The app was first introduced in 2022. According to operators, it is now the most widespread digital collection of its kind in Germany. In addition to the Stolperstin Deychaland app, there are similar offers, but they are usually limited to the region. For example, the Stolperstein app of the West German Broadcasting Corporation, which is dedicated to obstacles in North Rhine-Westphalia On the occasion of Re-Public 2022 It also includes a small part of Berlin. The WDR app comes with more media bonus materials such as “graphic stories” and audio products, but it is also funded by public law. The D-Sir is provided and maintained free of cost by the Stopperstein App Agency.
Like the WDR app, the Stopperstine Deychaland app depends on those committed to those who want to be part of the culture of remembrance and maintain it. For example, heavy contaminated stones can be reported in the WDR app and other stones can be documented to the StallaPastein Deutschland app. Since more than 100,000 obstacles can be found in Germany, the project will continue to welcome your assistance. Otherwise the app is fed via openstreetmap and Wikipedia. When it was launched on 9 November 2022, it was already able to display 20,000 stones in Germany.
Within the app, biographical data of the victims of national socialism, along with photographs of stones, can be accessed in a massive way. In the map scene all the stones are seen at their installation place. This makes it easier to find the surrounding stones.
World’s largest decentralized monument
Stopperstin is a project of artist Gunter Demanig. In 1992, he buried the first hurdle in front of one of the victims of the Nazi era and one of the creative places. While doing so, he built a constant developed art monument which is considered the largest decentralized monument in the world. Today there are obstacles in more than 30 countries.
Germany app is interrupting