With software containing a million or more lines, you can quickly lose track of code, architecture, and their quality. Are we still on the right path, are we holding ourselves back from internal dependencies, or are we already stuck? Software is intangible, we cannot see how it is working.
However, we can help ourselves with tools. One of them is a free open source tool codecharterhe we Richard Gross Will introduce. Since 2017, it has provided an opportunity to make software quality understandable to experts and common people alike.
Visualize in 3D
The idea is very simple: we see our software as a 3D city map (charta = Latin for map or paper). Each file becomes a building. Small files become bungalows, complex files emerge as skyscrapers. Skyscrapers that have only one author turn red because there is a wealth of knowledge.

This is only a small part of the visualization options: CodeCharta can also visualize which files are changed a lot, have hardly any test coverage, offer a high level of nesting depth or contain a large number of code smells. Is.
The metaphor of the city helps experts and laymen alike and enables a sensible discussion. A feature installed in a New York skyscraper is guaranteed to take longer than one installed in a Bonn bungalow. We can also have this discussion on physical objects, because CodeCharta can also print in 3D.
Livestream on January 24th
The broadcast will take place live on Friday, January 24, 2025 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. This episode is available as a recording at a later date. During the live stream, interested parties can ask questions via Twitch Chat, YouTube Chat. blue sky, mastodon, dull workspace or anonymously through Form on videocast page Bring in.
Software-Architektur.TV is a videocast by blogger and podcaster Eberhard Wolff on IX and the renowned software architect who works as Head of Architecture at SWAGLab. Since June 2020, more than 200 episodes have been created that highlight different areas of software architecture – sometimes with guests, sometimes with Wolfe solo. For more than two years now, iX (heise developer) has been integrating episodes streamed via YouTube into an online channel so that viewers can follow video casts from Heise Media.
More information about the case can be found on videocast page,